Table of Contents

  1. Synopsis
  2. Baseline support
  3. C-style arrays
  4. Future scope
  5. Conclusion, difficulties, and learning outcomes


CERN’s data-analysis software ROOT is widely used for high energy physics applications, and Julia is has gained popularity as a fast scientific computing language with a user friendly user syntex than C++ with a similar performance. Root is available via the ROOT.jl packages that allows Julia users to access the features of ROOT. However, prior to the introduction of RootIO.jl, writing to ROOT files had a fairly complex syntax:

import Pkg
using DataFrame, ROOT, RDatasets
function saveasroot(df, fname)
    f = ROOT.TFile!Open(fname, "RECREATE")
    tree = ROOT.TTree("tree", "example root tree created from dataframe")
    num_rows = nrow(df) 
    num_cols = ncol(df)      
    data_ptr_array = []
    branch_array = []
    for (col_name, col_data) in pairs(eachcol(df))
        data_pointer = col_data[1:1][]
        current_branch = Branch(tree, "$col_name", data_pointer[], num_rows, 99)
        push!(data_ptr_array, data_pointer[])
        push!(branch_array, current_branch)
    for i in 1:num_rows
        current_row = df[i, :]
        for j in 1:num_cols
            data_ptr_array[j] = Ref(current_row[j])
            SetAddress(branch_array[j], data_ptr_array[j])
df = RDatasets.dataset("datasets", "quakes")
saveasroot(df, "quakes.root")
Fig 1:An example of I/O of a dataframe in ROOT.jl

In my Google summer of code project, we aim to create the RootIO.jl package which facilitates the I/O on Julia side to ROOT, allowing interoperation of C++ library in Julia.

The specifications for the functions were created by Pere and Phillipe, my mentors. The specification document can be found in the specification file.

Baseline support

A baseline write interface was created as a starting point of the project. It relies on the functions provided by ROOT.jl and CxxWrap. The methods provided in the baseline package allows the user to create trees with given specifications and I/O with given rows. It provides the methods TTree(dir, name, title, type)., Fill(tree, row) and Write(dir, name, title, table) for writing to the ttree. Further we can use a keyword-arguments constructor TTree(file, name, title, col1_name = col1_type, col2_name = col2_type,...) similar to the construct of DataFrames for constructing a new TTree.

Some examples of what user can do after the baseline package include:

1.Using structs to construct a TTree. The column data types and columns names are inferred from the fields of the struct:

import RootIO, ROOT
using CxxWrap
mutable struct Event
f = ROOT.TFile!Open("data.root", "RECREATE")
Event()  = Event(0., 0., 0., StdVector{Float32}())
tree = RootIO.TTree(f, "mytree", "mytreetitle", Event)
e = Event()
for i in 1:10
    e.x, e.y, e.z = rand(3)
    resize!.([e.v], 5)
    e.v .= rand(Float32, 5)
    RootIO.Fill(tree, e)
Fig 2: Writing to TTrees from struct

2.Using keyword-arguments for constructing a TTree:

import RootIO, ROOT
using DataFrames
file = ROOT.TFile!Open("example.root", "RECREATE")
name = "example_tree"
title = "Example TTree"
data = (col_float=rand(Float64, 3), col_int=rand(Int32, 3))
tree = RootIO.TTree(file, name, title; data...)
Fig 3: Writing to TTrees using keyword-arguments

3.Write function for writing a table directly to a TTree. The code from Fig 1. simplifies to:

import Pkg
using DataFrame, ROOT
df = RDatasets.dataset("datasets", "quakes")
Write("mydir", "Quakes", "An Example TTree", df, "quakes.root")
Fig 4: Writing to TTrees from DataFrame

The follwing types is supported in the basline packages:

Type Description
String A character string
Int8 An 8-bit signed integer
UInt8 An 8-bit unsigned integer
Int16 A 16-bit signed integer
UInt16 A 16-bit unsigned integer
Int32 A 32-bit signed integer
UInt32 A 32-bit unsigned integer
Float32 A 32-bit floating-point number
Half32b 32 bits in memory, 16 bits on disk
Float64 A 64-bit floating-point number
Double32c 64 bits in memory, 32 bits on disk
Int64 A long signed integer, stored as 64-bit
UInt64 A long unsigned integer, stored as 64-bit
Bool A boolean
StdVector{T} A vector of elements of any of the above types
Fig 5: Supported data types

C-style arrays

The support to write C-style arrays with constant and variable sizes was also added through a separate Pull Request. The follwing syntax is used for creating the C-style arrays:

1.Creating fixed-size C-style array:

import RootIO, ROOT
file = ROOT.TFile!Open("example.root", "RECREATE")
name = "example_tree"
title = "Example TTree"
my_arr_fixed_length = 3
tree = RootIO.TTree(file, name, title; my_arr = (Int64, my_arr_fixed_length))
RootIO.Fill(tree, [[1,10,100]])
RootIO.Fill(tree, [[2,20]])
Fig 6: Fixed-size C-style arrays

2.Creating a variable-size C-style array:

import RootIO, ROOT
file = ROOT.TFile!Open("example.root", "RECREATE")
name = "example_tree"
title = "Example TTree"
tree = RootIO.TTree(file, name, title; arr_size = Int64, my_arr = (Int64, :arr_size))
# the first parameter is the array size
RootIO.Fill(tree, [3, [1,10,100]])
RootIO.Fill(tree, [2, [2,20]])
Fig 7: Variable-size C-style arrays

Future scope

Currently, I’m working on adding compositions of structs and vector of structs. The C++ functions are not yet wrapped for supporting such compositions because creating sub-branches is not yet supported in the ROOT.JL library. I am learning to wrap the C++ ROOT functions too. After the introduction of these functions, we’ll be able to write arbitrary compositions of structs. Follwing this, we aim to implement the I/O for RNTuple and custom TObjects. When the library gets completed, the end-user experience of I/O for Julia will become much more easier allowing people to focus more on analysis and less on I/O.

Conclusion, difficulties, and learning outcomes

The major challenge was understanding how the code is actually working. Learning about memory management in Julia and using pointer to send data between Julia and C++ took was an important outcome. After working with the ROOT team for two consecutive years, I’ve learned how to wrap libraries and port the functionality between languages, Julia this year and Python last year, that allows a new community to use the code and the older community to benefit from newer languages.

I would like to thank my mentors Phillipe Gras and Pere Mato. They were very helpful, patient, and helped me learn more about Julia, ROOT and wrapping C++ libraries.

Signing off,

Yash Solanki